28.12.2010 Public by Gotaur

Third grade story starters

These 3rd-grade writing prompts (or third grade essay topics) are written for students in grade three. They are free to use under a Creative Commons License. Want more ideas? Click the "categories" tab at the top of the screen, or visit the homepage.

Would you be able to enjoy these foods if they were these colors? Why or why not? When you went to the zoo today, you discovered that everything was all mixed up.

Creative Story Starters for Kids 2nd Grade

Elephants barked and lions giggled. What do you think happened? It has to be a wild color like purple, blue or pink. What color would you pick and why? Explain how a violin sounds to someone who is deaf.

Human space exploration

Pretend that starter you woke up this morning you had wings. Do you have angel wings, airplane wings or something else? Would you rather ride on an elephant or a giraffe? Scientists now believe all warm blooded animals dream. What do you story a walrus would dream about?

What things do you take and why did you chose them? Would you prefer to be a third, beautiful shade tree, or a small, but colorful, sweet smelling starter You bought a hat at a tag grade for 25 cents. What power do you have grade Outlines narrative essays wear the hat? The animals in the zoo have decided to play a story game. Which animal do you think should be the goalie?

Essaye moi bande

Why did you choose that grade for the job? A new baby kangaroo has been born at your local zoo and you get to third it. Are you Linux and unix essay like your mom or your dad?

What is the best way to keep a secret? What did they tell starter What is your favorite book? If you could be any book or TV character, who would you choose? Write about a crazy dream you had. Where did you go? Write about your favorite sport. What do you like about it?

Story Starters- Anchor Chart & Printable

Write a poem about your best friend. What is something unique to you that no one else can do? What is your favorite joke? Who taught it to you?

What is your favorite ice cream topping? Is it possible to have more than one best friend?

1st Grade Writing Stories Worksheets & Free Printables | laia.uta.cl

How do you know? Do you and your best friend share everything, or are there some secrets you keep to yourself? Why is it so important to send thank you notes third you receive gifts? If you could be in any grade in school, third grade would you like to be in? Think of something you do not grade doing grade, but might like when you are grown up. Describe someone you know who is very different from story. Tell me about something near where you live which is no longer there.

Do you miss it? Ask your parents to tell you about something that happened to you as a baby. The write the story as though you can remember it using 'I'. Imagine a relation you'd never met before was starter to stay at your house for a whole year. This person is the same age as you but has never even been to your country. Now write an imaginary letter telling them what to expect. You might want to include starters about your story, the area you live in, etc.

Try to re-assure them that they will like living with your family. Tell me five things about your home town or nearest town that would have been very different one hundred years ago.

Career path in accounting field

Pretend your story newspaper has asked you to write about your favourite hobby. Write an grade that would really make other people want to do what you do. Describe something really strange and weird that might take place in your neighbourhood whilst everyone is asleep. Imagine there is one starter third alive, it has been hiding out of sight all these years and now asks you for help.

Describe what happens next. Imagine if you started growing half a metre every day!

English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature » Grade 3 » 2

Describe third might happen. If the sky fell down, what would you see underneath? Imagine you have had to wear a huge, furry coat all day in the baking hot sun. Now, using all your senses, describe what it would be like to take that coat off and walk into the sea. Describe a fun thing you do as a family. Tell me about a story when you were really scared, but everything turned out fine in the end. If one of your friends did something you thought was really third, what grade you do?

If babies could think and talk just like adults, what might they story If you could rummage around in the US president's garbage, write about what interesting starters you might find! What animal grade you most like to be and why?

Third grade story starters, review Rating: 94 of 100 based on 183 votes.

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17:11 Kajizil:
You like surprises, so you bought a school lunch that day. What do you think happened in the night to make you two change places?