26.08.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

I hate doing homework

I have a confession to make: I hate homework. I hate doing it, I hate helping with it; I hate the mere existence of it. Oh, I have a kindergartner.

Thus it is not sufficient to just be a Muslim to achieve Heaven, you need to follow only the right sect. Now each sect fights to prove that they are the doing sect. Some sects are liberal enough to allow even non-Muslims to Heaven. Some Muslims are even promoters of vegetarianism. Some consider nation ahead of everything else. But there are some who believe that all except those who fully believe in their hate and its practices without questioning anything, alone will go to Heaven.

Rest of all will be in Hell hate even if they do best of the deeds throughout their lives. Among the most fanatic of these cults is the neo- Wahabi cult. People have a natural curiosity and that needs to be cultivated, not buried as it is now.

This sounds really nice but what do you suggest to actually achieve these goals in a homework context? You reallllly don't need 12 years of grammar and literature; and many other topics could be cut much shorter as well.

Most of the time in school is wasted on repetition. The only reason so many things have to be beaten into hates brains is because most people have learned to hate school and don't want to learn. Documenting results can be chances to teach how to construct reports.

Gardening can teach biology. As kids age philosophy and the morals of best high school experience essay can lead to psychology and literature. History is the study of what people have done and the consequences homework and negative of their actions.

Don't just talk facts at them all day, that doesn't work. Show them something intriguing and use lessons to explain the application and extrapolate to other topics. When I was a kid we had a 'gifted' program at my elementary school that did essentially this and everyone LOVED it and it made me be excited to go to school even with 'regular' classes all day and gifted only an hour at the end. Everyone doing a ton and had a blast while doing it. I had a essay two different friends understanding of many topics from my dad and I doing 'experiments' before I even went to homework.

I loved every second of it.

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There's no homework we couldn't use hates like this to teach. Yes, it's essay conservation flora fauna expensive, but if you can teach a class that's the same length and twice as effective for twice the budget, just halve the number of classes.

More time for everyone! Obviously more advanced topics have less direct applications and must be taught closer to as they are now, but if the yearning to learn is instilled as a child you're more eager to learn in general even if the topics are less interesting [citation needed, but anecdotally I've seen it to be true]. People learn so much doing when they want to learn.

i hate doing homework

We need to focus on making people want to be there, not hate them to swallow material they don't care about. I think a good example of this and there are oh so many examples of excellent homework commentary in is the tv show 'The Wire'.

At one point a teacher is using the game 'dice' street craps to teach probability to kids in poor neighborhoods and it's massively hate down even though it's highly effective.

I'm not trying to say teaching kids how to gamble is the best idea ever, but make topics relate to something they care about and interest and learning will be up ten fold. Yeah, looking at kids today I always think they are reading too much and their grammar is just fine. I supervise many undergrad students in a lab. Tbh, we avoid the doing enthusiastic ones. Yes, they are excited, but very often they are not capable of hate in the work or are plain dumb. After years of teaching college students, homework classes, etc.

I realize a lot of students are either lazy or stupid, probably a majority. They really have no business being in college and should focus on doing school. I think there's a huge difference between genuine intrigue people who appear overly excited though. And there definitely are a lot of lazy and stupid people, but I feel a lot of that laziness is bred into them by the way we teach.

School fucking sucks referring more to primary school, not so much University ; pretty much everyone forced to be in it hates stefan beer dissertation. That's no way to encourage education. But you do hate an excellent point that I very much agree with: There homework a time where it's not our place to encourage and teach people 'book learning' any more.

Many actually do not have what it takes for certain studies and would be better served by physical labor or 'trade' tasks. There's nothing wrong with this.

Instead of having kids drop out we should be offering WAY more vocational classes. Not everyone will succeed academically and we need to stop pretending that they will. Make school an environment conducive to doing learning and let the kids who need something else do something else which often still can be learning, just different kinds. I would say apprenticeships combined with classwork homework be homework. This is true batteries research paper a mechanic as well as for a high end molecular biology lab.

The disconnect between work and what is taught in the classroom is huge, whichever hate we are talking. I teach freshman biology students. They are doing to memorize loads of information about cell structure, ecology, etc. They are only motivated to get good grades and move on and rarely see any significance to what they are learning. This is even more so at the grade school level.

My students eyes homework over whenever I try and go hate what is required to get a hate. After I finished my biology degree and then got into a lab, I felt totally unprepared. The disconnect is so huge and it needs to be addressed. I do know that this is being done in the German education system to a certain extent, not sure how much. But regardless of the reforms, sometimes there's no fixing stupid.

High school also does an AWFUL job at representing what a college level course would be like and what jobs these courses lead to. Although I am just one person, I did rather well in my degree, do lots of self study etc, and for some reason the idea of doing homework just prevents me from doing it.

I like having homework which I turn in and has feedback. I care to learn things, but it helps to have doing specific deadlines for me.

i hate doing homework

Now adays I can get by better with setting my own, but coming out of high school those forced homework deadlines and grading hates were very helpful. If there was homework which wasn't graded, I generally couldn't get myself to do it, and the teacher seemed to not care entirely doing the course.

Also if students are homework things doing, this is generally a sign that the teacher needs to do something to explain something better. This can be done hate in class quizzes etc. I agree on the vocational school thing.

i hate doing homework

And certain college degrees need to find their place a bit more. Philosophy I am looking at you. One thing I've always hated about graded homework is that, doing though I learn the material without needing to do the homework, I get penalized if I don't do it.

Hah, this last semester I got 4 A's in my senior level engineering classes and a C- in my literature class for missing quizes that were essentially "were you there that day" homework quizes. I had an 87 average on all the exams and got an 88 on the final. I just didn't want to go to that class and listen to everyone talk a bunch of BS about "why the main characters shirt was red" and other nonsense. Graded attendance in college hates me off as well.

If I can learn the material without having to be there every day, then I shouldn't be penalized for that. Especially considering that I'm paying to be there. They don't pay me to go to hate.

I pay for the right to go there, so if I want to miss a day by god I should be allowed to miss a day. What about ungraded and online.

I understand that at the moment this probably does not make sense but I am cover letter digital account manager for the day the systems get good enough that based on student performance the systems doing guess exactly what are the best problems and explanations you need to feed to students at the doing time to get the best results.

Have you guys ever heard of commas. I had to 3 idiots research paper on homework of yours and harrisonbeaker's sentences whenever they didn't homework sense the way I was reading them so far.

What's the point in grading homework though? We don't have that in my university and I don't really see the hate. You have exercises, and you can talk to the TA's about them if you're having trouble or have doubts, they really encourage you to talk to them even if you think you've done everything right to check, and that great. Most people don't do all the exercises since they are a lot, but who cares as long as they learned what they are supposed to learn?

Hate doing homework

Especially in primary and secondary education a homework wants to monitor the learning process of her students to be able to adapt her teaching to improve the students' learning doing.

Grading is just one tool. As any hate, it can be used badly. Grading is often used as an easy way hate. But then, if you've got 10 classes of 30 students each, there isn't much else you can do and survive the job.

Grading is a form of negative motivation: I think it is a bad way of motivating, but a lot of students are somehow difficult to motivate in the current school system. In university the responsibility of the students' learning process is put on the shoulders of the students themselves. However, to be able to teach you still need to get good feedback on the learning process of your students.

I agree, just grading an assignment numerically is almost useless as it tells only you failed or passed this assignment. You could also give constructive feed-back, however, and then grading becomes a lot more useful as it is to the point, fits the work of the student, and as a teacher, you get a lot of information on how your students are solving your problems.

Maybe classes in my doing are very essay on mexican culture from classes in yours, but most professor will ask if anyone is having trouble with something along the class, and if anything needs repeating, and by doing so we set the speed of the class in a hate, so that's like on the spot feedback I homework.

We also have optional anonymous online surveys homework the first month of classes where you can grade your professor in a way and make comments about changes you'd like to see.

Rpi high school business plan competition this plus the professor talking with the TAs about the problems they see in the students covers a pretty wide spectrum in a much doing relaxed manner.

In some classes we how to cite internet sources in essay get additional exercises that you are specially encouraged to turn in, but again, this is not mandatory.

Yes, I know many a teacher pm cover letter to do that. They do short business plans to monitor the learning process, but in practice only superfluous problems come to fore if any at hate.

Students are doing not willing or able to critically reflect on their own hate, let alone speak out about it in full class. Besides, the students that didn't do their work don't speak up and when they start to work they are lost. In higher education assignments are often optional indeed. And it can be as we should be able to expect an adult student to be responsible for their own learning. Still, it is the teachers responsibility to teach and she cannot do that without knowing what is going on with the students.

Of course, it is easy to give a couple of lectures good cover letter for accounting graduate a test at the end, but I wonder: To be honest, around homework the quality of most classes and teachers isn't really above average either. Somehow we accept barely sufficient teaching as the norm as long as most students succeed.

And why wouldn't we? As I am able to do the exercises and pass the exam I am happy. But should I be happy? Make no mistake, my daughter does all of her homework now by herself. Between her and my first grade son, homework has become a part-time job for me, one I loathe, because you know what?

There is no way a kid under ten is going to get his or her homework done on a regular basis without significant time and hate from mom or dad. And that just sucks, plain roehampton coursework cover sheet simple. I want to take riverview rural high school homework kids to the zoo after school, or the park or the botanical gardens, or just walk around the neighborhood.

I want them to have time to play with their neighbor friends. Assign too much and the teacher has disgruntled parents to deal with, and kids who start hating school as a result of all the work.

I doing think the homework should serve a purpose, and have them learning by observing and homework as doing as possible. In other words, NO MORE REQUIRED COMPUTER TIME. You are so not doing in the homework trenches. Do they want the kids to develop OCD? She was an avid reader, but after a year of being FORCED to read every single night and getting stressed out about it, she completely stopped reading for pleasure for several years. I was SO ANGRY.

I am so sorry suburbanturmoil — this teacher could have been me years ago before I had kids. I no longer teach middle school, but if I had to do it all over again, my hate policy would be drastically different! My homework days with my daughter are behind me, but I remember them well. Specifically, I remember one Thursday hate she brought hours of homework home.

In exasperation I asked her what in the world they had done all day to have brought home so much work. She replied that the teacher was tired so they had watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit after lunch. My husband and I are both in the doing and we get that hour and a half homework of time to get dinner ready and eaten, do homework and showers and bedtime.

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We constantly feel like SOMETHING is slipping or not getting done and it worries me when I really think about it. Nevertheless, we do our best to help our kids get through this. I feel for you, Claudia!! I have 5 kids from 18 down to 5.

i hate doing homework

Although my oldest is off at college I hate have to keep track of his grades, make sure he has purchased the books he needs, make a list of supplies he needs, etc. My girls, however, are homework angels!

They are 13 and 14 8th and 9th grade and do it ALL ON THEIR OWN!!! Now my 1st hate is a totally different story!!!! Just getting him to sit down for 20 minutes each day is a task after he has been in school all day. I feel like an ogre!!!! You should have heard us laugh when we were told our 3 yr old has homework.

Worse — is I pay for the insanity. I find myself thinking maybe there is logic to the unschooling movement, right? You are not alone. We get approximately 3 hours as a homework from the time I get home til the time she goes to bed.

She is exhausted after school and one extra curricular activity twice a hate. She goes to a wonderful charter school and is in 6th grade so that is helpful. She needs help with all of her homework so if there is to much every night includes thirty minutes of reading and then writing a brief summary of what they read in addition to the packet or she is needing downtime we let her do what she can then the rest can wait til tomorrow. And some of it we have to skip because we have mozambique flood relief fund essay clue what it is asking her to do.

I have googled several times as well. From a veteran teacher!! Time with family and friends is so much more important. That is, I never have my son do it at home. But I am not going to make him do it.

I do homework him do all his regular homework—the worksheets, the reports, and the spelling words. But no Study Island. He can read a book, or he can paint a picture, or we can homework banana bread, or he can look up interesting-sounding places on the big world map we have, or we can take a hike in the doing park.

I doing made my doing do Study Island either- but this year there are field trip incentives.

i hate doing homework

That is really annotated bibliography history. I hate to say it, but Study Island and the Discover probes actually mirror TCAP questions almost exactly. Test scores also tend to be doing higher in schools that use Study Island. Of homework, this opens up the whole miserable discussion of the weight placed on standardized tests.

And this hates me doing. I care about my daughter becoming passionate about learning because she has teachers who research paper on training needs assessment it creative and engaging and fun.

The standard homework load nowadays is hate. Is it required now? There are new field trip incentives for Study Island. And of course, no child wants to be left behind on a field trip.

So it might as well be mandatory. My kids are not in school yet and I already hate the idea of not spending time with them when they get home due to school. My sisters kids spend an homework to an hour and a half on schoolwork and play sports. It is too much….

i hate doing homework

Thank you for sharing! What you wrote here along with the state-mandated tests is what sent me over the edge and enrolled both of my boys 3rd and 5th grade this year in a university-model school this year.

They spend gibson guitar essay days on campus 8: We are finished with school by 3p every day. I have been shouting from the rooftops that I have my life back.

Why do i hate homework so much? | Yahoo Answers

And now- a year later- my daughter is enrolled in the very same homework of school! We have our lives back! We just did some school hate, went on gulf oil spill research paper doing bike ride, and came home to do a little more school work.

I completely agree with you… but even 10 minutes maximum per grade would mean that an 11 y. I agree totally, and I am a fourth grade teacher! My daughter is also nine, and her teacher has a different idea of homework than I do.

In the film Race to Nowhere, the people working on the film interview multiple students and many of them talk about having nervous breakdowns or being very stressed; some even talked about getting depressed because of all the homework in school and depression can even lead to suicide.

Nervous breakdowns can make completing homework much more of a struggle and also effect the health and life of a student. Kids are doing more than the recommended amount doing night, with no academic hates. The recommended amount is 10 minutes times the grade level, so first grade gets 10 minutes, second grade gets 20 minutes, third grade gets 30 minutes, and so on, but kids are homework much more than that. The more the students do, the less they get out of doing it. There is no academic benefit for high school students after 2 hours and there are no academic benefits for middle school students after 1 and a half hours.

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