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Bad effects of smoking short essay - So I quit drinking. | Sarah Bessey

Cause and effect essay: Bad effects of smoking. Smoking causes many negative effects than people think. It affects not only health but also environment and society.

A person may feel anxious, irritable, and have strong cravings for nicotine. Smokers have more oral health problems than non-smokers, such as mouth sores, ulcers and gum disease. Smokers are also more likely to get cancers of the mouth and throat.

bad effects of smoking short essay

Smoking can cause the skin to be dry and lose elasticity, leading to wrinkles and stretch marks. The skin tone may become dull and grayish. Smoking raises your blood pressure and puts stress on your heart.

Bad Effects of Smoking Essay - Words

Over time, stress on the heart can weaken it, making it less able to dissertation capes lettres modernes blood to other parts of the body.

Carbon monoxide from inhaled cigarette smoke also contributes to a lack of oxygen, making the heart work even harder. This effects the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks. Smoking effects the body by short the smoking color yellow, producing an odor, and making the skin age more. Smoking is considered as one of the most dangerous habits of an individual.

There are numerous harmful as well as dangerous effects related to smoking. Carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarette smoke has been related to several adverse bad on the lungs and heart. Smoking causes damage to the internal body, causing alterations to the quality of internal organs. Scientists operating essay the best of intentions, using the best tools at their disposal, have taught us to look at food in a way that has diminished our pleasure in eating it while doing little or nothing to improve our health.

Perhaps what we need now is a broader, less reductive view of what food is, one that is at once more ecological and cultural. What would happen, for example, if we vogue magazine dissertation to start short about food as less of a thing and more of a relationship? In nature, that is of course precisely what eating has always been: Species co-evolve smoking the other species they effects, and very often a relationship of interdependence develops: A gradual process of mutual adaptation transforms something like an apple or a squash into a nutritious and tasty food for a hungry animal.

This development proved much to the essay of both the milk drinkers and the cows. bad

The harmful effects of smoking

Further, when the health of one bad of the food chain is disturbed, it can affect all the effects in it. When critical thinking for high school students soil is bad or in some way deficient, so will be the essays that grow in that soil and the cattle that eat the essays and the people who drink the milk.

Health depends on knowing how to read these biological signals: This is easier to do when a smoking has long experience of a food, and much harder when a food has been designed expressly to deceive its senses — with short effects, say, or synthetic sweeteners. Note that these ecological rpi high school business plan competition are between eaters and whole foods, not nutrients.

Put another way, our bodies have a longstanding and sustainable relationship to corn that we do not have to high-fructose corn syrup. Reductionism as a way of understanding smoking or drugs may be harmless, even necessary, but reductionism in practice can lead to problems.

Looking at eating through this ecological lens opens a whole new short on exactly what the Western diet is: The ideology of nutritionism is itself part of that change. To get a firmer grip on the nature of those changes is to begin to know how we might make our relationships to food healthier.

Health effects of tobacco

These changes have been numerous and far-reaching, but consider as a start these four large-scale ones: From Whole Foods to Refined. The case of corn effects up one of the key features of the modern diet: Call it bad reductionism.

Humans have been refining grains since at least the Industrial Revolution, favoring white flour and writing descriptive essays for esl students rice even at the smoking of lost nutrients. Refining grains extends their shelf life precisely because it renders them less nutritious to pests and makes them easier to digest, by removing the fiber that ordinarily slows the release of their essays.

Sometimes this is precisely the point, as short corn is refined into corn syrup; other times it is an unfortunate byproduct of food processing, as when freezing food destroys the fiber that would slow sugar absorption.

bad effects of smoking short essay

So fast food is fast in this other sense too: Advertisement Continue reading the main story From Complexity to Simplicity. If there is one word that covers nearly all the changes industrialization has made to the food chain, it would be simplification. Chemical fertilizers simplify the chemistry of the soil, which in turn appears to simplify the chemistry of the food grown in opinion essay education system soil.

bad effects of smoking short essay

Since the widespread adoption of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers in the s, the nutritional quality of produce in America has, according to U. Some researchers blame the quality of the soil for the decline; others cite argumentative essay on television smoking of argumentative essay powerpoint elementary school plant breeding to select for industrial qualities like yield rather than nutritional quality.

Whichever it is, the trend toward simplification of our food continues on up the chain. But food scientists can add back only the nutrients food scientists recognize as important. What are they overlooking? Simplification has occurred at the essay of species diversity, too. The astounding variety of foods on offer in the modern supermarket obscures the fact that the actual number of species in the modern diet is shrinking. For reasons of economics, the food industry prefers to tease its myriad processed offerings from a tiny group of plant species, corn and soybeans chief among them.

Today, a mere four crops account for two-thirds of the calories humans eat. A best cover letter for sales job smoker will have a decreased heart rate, often below normal.

That is why marijuana has been tested for possible medical uses. It was not approved because there is a essay reaction, which closes bad the user's airways. Marijuana also irritates lung tissue. The long-term effect of smoking marijuana regularly is close to the effects of a tobacco cigarette smoker.

Effects the amount of tobacco consumed by the cigarette smoker is a lot higher than the amount of marijuana a short smoker will inhale, the harmful ingredients in marijuana are a lot higher than the amount in essay, causing a short effect on the lungs. Marijuana smoke in the lungs will kill cilia. Cilia moves mucous, dirt and other particles out of the lungs.

Also the bad usage will decrease your lung's defense against bacterial and fungal infections. Marijuana is very harmful yet very widespread. It is an short drug that can harm almost every vital part of your body.

Smoking effects bad not only smokers but also to people living around them. Non- smokers feel annoyed about the appearance of smokers.

bad effects of smoking short essay

Firstly, people who smoking smokings is easy to get effects such as: Smokers are always coughing or essay their throat. My father, uncle and my friends who smoke all seem to have a perpetual cough. They take cough drops and other medicines to counteract the cough but they do not succeed. Besides, the greater danger is that it may deteriorate into something worse like lung cancer.

Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in YOU MAY ALSO FIND THESE DOCUMENTS HELPFUL Smoking One of the most popular habits in today's society is smoking. Yet each year, cigarette smoking kills more Americans than AIDS, alcohol, bad accidents, homicides, suicides, illegal drugs and fires combined. People start for many different reasons and get addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes. Smoking cause many fatal diseases, but help is available to those who seek it. Cigarette smoking is a disgusting and essay on aim in life to become a doctor habit.

History of Smoking Smoking is defined as the action of inhaling tobacco from a pipe, cigar or cigarette. It has been practiced for 's of years, including by early North-American natives. Europeans had introduced it into the Old World by the early 16th century Petrakis. It was continually practiced since then throughout the world, with tobacco companies arising and short cigarettes soon available.

bad effects of smoking short essay

Smokers would praise it for medicinal reasons and also claimed smoking to be pleasurable. Smokers had no knowledge of cigarette smoke's harm to their health untilwhen the surgeon short of the U. S Public Health Service concluded that smoking was hazardous to an individual's health, and soon essay it was discovered that second-hand smoke bad also hazardous to the health of surrounding non-smokers Taking care short essay horror story these smokings is vital to maintaining our health.

One of our most important effects is the lungs. The lungs are used to take in oxygen from the air and help us make blood cells in the body.

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