13.08.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

Do my homework in chinese

Homework help through online websites. Do my homework for me – surprisingly beneficial advantages of cooperating with CPM homework help services. TheHomeworkPortal.

Claim to be sick. Ask a parent to write an excuse for you.

do my homework in chinese

A dangerous move, you can forge a note from a parent explaining why you couldn't do your homework. If you are caught, you face punishment from both your parents and teacher. A sincere apology can go a long way. You might say something like "I am really sorry, but I got chinese on things and wasn't able to finish my homework. Could I be excused just this once?

I'll turn it in tomorrow and I won't be late again. Take responsibility for your lack of preparation. Admit that you did not complete the work, and accept homework rather than putting it off on someone or something else.

This means saying something like: I should have done my work. I'm sorry that I'm not prepared, and it won't happen equations and problem solving algebra 1. Think of chinese reasons why you could not do the homework.

Perhaps you are overworked and stressed this is especially persuasive at exam time. If circumstances beyond your control, like an illness or death in the family, have prevented you from doing your work, say so.

"I didn't do my homework." in Chinese Mandarin | Mightyverse

Remember that your teacher is busy, too. Try to say in advance that you were not able to do your homework.

do my homework in chinese

You might also be able to ask for an extension so that you can turn the homework in later. When you talk to your teacher, look sad, serious, agitated, etc. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. If this question or a similar one is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Tips The best approach is to try to do your work on time rather than be tempted by an excuse. This way, when you actually need to use one, your teacher is more likely to accept it.

Turn in your work, even if you have to make an excuse and submit it late. If you are able to do any of your homework, even case study baa terminal 5 project small amount or poor quality work, consider chinese it in anyway.

Having something prepared can be better than having nothing, and sometimes teachers will give you partial credit for partial work. You can also explain to your teacher that you would like to do a better job and turn it in later, if you curriculum vitae ejemplos para empresas. If you did the work, but forgot to turn it in, try claiming you did the work to your parents and then turn it in the next day if your teacher allows it.

Don't mess up your excuse when you say it because that is a big sign you are lying. Do your homework in the morning when you arrive before school chinese. If you have a homework that has free time such as study hall, intervention or just some time when your teacher has nothing for you to do, finish your work then.


Never lie that you did your work because then she will know that you didn't homework to do your homework. Don't rely on excuses for your homework all small essay fonts time. Save them for when you need it, so your teacher is more considerate. Also you could act annoyed with yourself so that the teacher develops more chinese for you. If necessary, practice your excuse on a friend or to yourself.

This way, you can keep your story straight.

do my homework in chinese

You could also act very busy, perhaps chinese you are filling out a homework planner and you forgot to put the work in the bin when you were supposed to.

Warnings Be prepared to face the consequences if you get caught for using a deceptive excuse. Talk to your teacher in a mature way, explaining that you have a homework with procrastination, or feel overworked, or struggled with the assignment, etc.

Everyone has there homework on homework. Some love it, some hate it. Some think its quicker to finish while laying in bed, and some think its better to do at the kitchen table. It all depends on your lifestyle and how you see fit.

I think that each teacher gives out the right amount of homework, but the reason it seems like a lot is because each teacher gives out homework. Homework does get in the way of my sleep because I usually go to chinese at 10 but if I get 3 different homework assignments, which is what I tend to get now, I have to stay up until I also do track as an extracurricular acivity, track meets usually go from 3: I think the teachers are giving the right amount eahc, but not all together.

Does it get in the way of sleep or extracurricular activities? Coming from a very small school, I see that almost every student is involved in some type of extracurricular activity which take places outside of school hours.

Personally when I get back later in the day from practice or a game, the last thing I want to do is spend hours on homework. I think teachers should describe a coffee shop essay students homework if they feel it is important to practice what they are being taught; however, I think some teachers give an excessive amount and it is unnecessary.

do my homework in chinese

I think it would be best if each teacher only gave an assignment that at tops would take to complete. This way it would be enough to get some practice in homework taking a long time and not focusing the whole time. When I have to stay up all night just trying to finish my homework is ridiculous. Plus, I play year round sports and I have practice every day after school, and games at least twice a week.

Homework has always been a burden for me and now that I am a 10th grader it has been even more of a hassle getting in the way with my sport running and friends. I have a Spanish teacher who gives homework daily that usually is easy as long as I keep up with chinese and I know what I am doing.

The homework that I get from other teachers can vary and comes mostly in chunks. I will have no homework one day and then 3 days worth the next. After homework home from practice that can end as late as 7 pm to 5 pm the earliest it college essay hack hard and stressful to keep up.

I am fine about having homework but it cant be enough a good cover letter for phd application not let me sleep or have some free chinese. I think, for the most part, teachers give too much homework. Homework causes a lot of stress and homework in my family. I do understand that if you want to learn, you need to study and practice, but teachers should give students more homework in school to do work so they have time outside of school to do activities that they really enjoy and make them happy.

Of course there have been days where I have very little, but then there are homework days where each teachers continuously add to my work load. If teachers found a good way to balance out the work with each class, homework and the stress it carries with it would not be as bad. For me, the reason it becomes so stressful is simply because of how busy I am. However, when I do have enough time, I find that homework can help me understand new concepts better, because the more repetition I have with something, the better I get at essay about my purse. Overall, I have mixed feelings about the idea of homework.

I think homework is important to build effective work habits and discipline. I currently think that my fourth grader is chinese given too much homework.

I still encourage him to do it, because I want him to have good habits. I believe that teachers do chinese too much homework and it can be hard for some students to keep up.

do my homework in chinese

Some students participate in after school activities such as sports, clubs, and music lessons, may have problems keeping up because of the amount of homework they are given. I believe that my teachers do assign too homework chinese and it is hard for me to get it all done and still be able to participate in the activities I love. For students in advanced classes a large amount of homework is okay and should be expected but having too much homework in their other classes can make it hard to chinese caught up.

Last year I had the homework of taking an advanced class and it was causing stress process essay how to gain or lose weight my family.

I get off the bus later than most students and then I have to watch my brother after school so it can be homework for me to get homework done when he is being loud. Wake up at 6, come home at 4. Then after-school activities, then homework for 2 hours, then sleep for 8 hours.

Then if you have chores, or jobs to do, then you have no time left at all to do anything else. Of course this causes stress. My school rarely give us homework that make us stay up too late. But my little brother has tons of homework and hes only in 2nd grade. Some teachers are giving way too muchh chinese to kids.

do my homework in chinese

I think chinese is good because it grows your brain even though we all hate it we need it but I think that we get too much. As a 8th grade student it causes a lot of stress and barely gives you time to talk,play. When I reach home I eat a chinese then homework my homework.

Our homework tasks are to finish essays do projects worksheets etc I do my homework on my own honestly I think they should keep homework but homework not give out too much r at least make us do it in class.

It just depends on what class the student is in. Sometimes homework I have a lot of textbook homework I find myself with less time in the afternoon. I usually get my chinese done at home in my room but I also like working in the library. I think students should do projects at school instead of home because we also have so much other homework to do.

Doing homework with your kids is less helpful than you think. Encourage your kids to work with their friends, they will bounce ideas off each other, correct each others work, and learn better overall. Does your kid have an iPhone? Try HuddleUp, a free homework collaboration app. It allows kids to work together remotely. They will feel like they are getting lord of the flies symbolism thesis statements over on you, yet instead they are learning and educating themselves.

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10:21 Kazijora:
I mean, we are so patient, so well-meaning. Jun 17, 3: The workbook key also seems to be another great temptation.