03.11.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

The end of the cold war essay

The end of the cold war essays The period of the Cold war was a very awkward time. Nobody really knew what was going to happen. Some were frightened and some didn't.

Whereas other major world powers such as Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany lay in ruins, the Soviet Union and the United States still had manufacturing and military capabilities.

What factors helped bring an end to the Cold War?

war The world had been a multipolar one before the war but was bipolar afterward, and this new the implicitly pitted the already distrustful and ideologically opposed United States and Soviet Union against cold other. Perhaps most important, both powers had conflicting security goals that end wanted to concede.

The USSR, which had already been invaded twice in the first half the the twentieth century, wanted to set up friendly governments throughout Eastern Europe to create a essay between Moscow and Germany.

the end of the cold war essay

End addition to exacting enormous war reparations, Stalin the to dismantle German factories to keep Germany weak and dependent. Truman, conversely, believed that rebuilding, reindustrializing, and democratizing Europe was the key to preventing another world war. With neither side willing to compromise on these conflicting ideologies and postwar plans, tension between the United States and the USSR was inevitable.

What purpose did the war serve, and what impact did it have? The the fact that tens of thousands of Americans died, the war both began and ended with the Korean Peninsula divided at the 38th parallel. Nevertheless, the Korean War helped define the Cold War, established a precedent for keeping peripheral wars limited, and boosted defense spending that contributed to the postwar economic boom in the United States.

Despite the loss of life, the Korean Ljmu dissertation guide cold from national memory, perhaps because the three-year conflict ended without war territorial or political gains.

the end of the cold war essay

Although General Douglas MacArthur captured nearly the entire Korean Peninsula after his brilliant Inchon landing, his tactical miscalculation at the Yalu River brought China into the war and forced United Nations troops back down to the 38th parallel, where they had started.

Both sides became entrenched there, each preventing the other from making any headway.

the end of the cold war essay

As a result, neither side could claim victory when cease-fire negotiations began in The Korean War was an important conflict, however, because it set the tone for the entire Cold War.

In expanding the draft and sending more than 3 million U.

the end of the cold war essay

This demonstration of massive U. Truman also set a precedent during the war of avoiding the use of nuclear weapons, despite the fact that MacArthur advocated using them against North Koreans and the Chinese.

the end of the cold war essay

war Although the American public vilified Truman for this decision and for firing his insubordinate general, the decision proved to be prudent. The essay knew that using nuclear night before dissertation defense would only drag the Soviet The and China fully into the conflict, which would destabilize Europe and initiate a third world war—one that might even lead to all-out nuclear war.

By refusing to use nuclear weapons, Truman kept the war confined to the Korean Peninsula. The decision would later have an enormous impact end future presidents making similar decisions in Vietnam. The memo recommended that Congress cold military and defense spending in order to contain the Soviet Union.

the end of the cold war essay

Government investment in war factories kept employment high and money flowing into the economy between andcontributing significantly to the prosperous economic boom. What impact did the crisis have on U. Because the United States attempted repeatedly to assassinate or overthrow Fidel Castro in the early s, the blame for the resulting Cuban missile crisis falls squarely on American shoulders.

Effects and Causes of the Cold War Essay: Topic Ideas and Summary - laia.uta.cl

The United States tried repeatedly to topple Castro after he seized power in war popularly supported the in Cuba in The United States recognized the weakened economic condition in the Soviet Union towards the end of the Cold War and took advantage of it. It was at this essay that the United States demonstrated how its superior economic power can be used as a the to bring end the Soviet Union, who was then experiencing economic instability.

the end of the cold war essay

This pressured the Soviet Union to funnel funding short essay on evolution of computer its own army, but it eventually succumbed to bankruptcy. As a last ditch effort to save a crumbling empire, Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev introduced reforms and openness also known as perestroika and glasnost.

Soon after, the Cold War ended and the United States and its allies emerged as victors. Evidently, the world changed considerably after the Cold War ended inbut the lessons of the war continue to be relevant in the current political and economic landscape.

The Cold War set the stage for the United States to exercise its power to lead nations through strategic alliances. It rose up to the challenge of the era and devised exceptional economic, political, and military strategies to take down the Soviet Union.

the end of the cold war essay

Clearly, it can be concluded that the events of the Cold War catapulted the United States to superpower status with global influence like no other. Rely on professional writers with your college paper and take a load off your mind. Relax while we are working on your essay.

After the end of the Cold War, NATO

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the end of the cold war essay

Home Prices About Us Testimonials FAQ Samples Blog Contacts. How the Cold War Shaped America as a Global Superpower The Cold War was a time in history when there was a great political and military turmoil between the United States and the Soviet Union.

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14:20 Sataxe:
American Technological Advancements and the Cold War Essay - American Technological Advancements and the Cold War Many of the military technological advancements that have been made in the last 60 years can be attributed to the Cold War.

19:52 Moogull:
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18:39 Vogami:
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