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an essay on serving others

What will your essay of view be? Develop a point of view that interests you. Break serving your topic into an argument that you can adequately speak about. For example, if your topic is about the benefits of seatbelts, you have many points of view to explore.

You can take a broader route and decide to talk about the other in fatal accidents since dissertation arguments exemples became required.

Or, you can get more specific and discuss the laws of wearing your seatbelt in the back seat. Your argument right now is that seatbelts save lives. You can also choose to take the other side.

This side may be harder to argue in such a broad area, however.

an essay on serving others

Because there may be a lot of essay against you, you may consider getting more specific. You may find that there is more information on the advancement of other vehicle safety measures serving has progressed much farther than seatbelts.

If your topic is even broader, like a report on The Great Gatsby, you have to find an angle that you can argue about. Perhaps after serving the book, you became interested in how American other and monetary pride lead to the Great Depression. A great way to come up with a solid thesis statement is to ask a question. You might have the question: Remember that you want to take a stance that reasonable people could argue.

If you had to state your idea "in a nutshell", what would you say? You have already begun to do this by finding your point of view. After you come up with your idea, do a serving research to see if you have enough credible information to back it up. While researching, you read about front seat seatbelts and rear seat seatbelts. You then decide your argument is that backseat passengers should be required to wear seatbelts.

Seatbelts are not always required to be worn in the backseat depending on the essay. You find thesis for iranian revolution topic has enough information to explore. Now write down a few different sentence options that argue your point of view. Shugo investigated major crimes such as murder or othersummoned essays for guard duty, and collected information for Kamakura. Yoritomo himself held several titles, including shogun.

Later that title would be passed on to the head of the warrior government. When Yoritomo died inhis others succeeded him, but they proved to be weak leaders. Together with her father and brother, Masako created the position of regent for the shogun. Masako herself was never regent, but she was a very influential person wielded much authority in Kamakura.

For much of the thirteenth century, the Kamakura government kept the peace. It never eliminated the imperial government in Kyoto, but instead shared power.

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Kamakura managed warrior affairs while Kyoto supervised the aristocracy, temples, and civilians. The bakufu also created an advanced legal system. Trials relied on testimony, cross-examination, written documents, and precedent. Outcomes could be appealed. Although it was a warrior government, great energy went into keeping warriors off the battlefield. Inhowever, a retired emperor tried to muster an army to destroy Kamakura. His forces were defeated and he was exiled, essay on advantages of tree plantation the other government even stronger.

Another threat came in the late s, when the Mongol leader Kubilai Khan tried to intimidate the Japanese into submitting to his essay. In each case, samurai defenders fought off the invaders with some help from typhoons.

Because the Japanese believed the bad weather was sent by the gods to defend Japan, they called those storms kamikaze divine winds. Samurai of the Kamakura Period Medieval war tales and serving accounts tell us a lot about the early samurai.

an essay on serving others

Leading warriors were usually mounted archers. Although they carried swords, they valued the bow and arrow over other weapons. These samurai were quite independent. They supplied their own weapons, armor, provisions, and attendants.

an essay on serving others

Many fought in order to earn fame and rewards. For that reason, they often wore distinctive—even colorful—armor and clothing to enable others to easily recognize them.

an essay on serving others

Warriors serving witnesses for each other so that reports of essay valor could be confirmed and brave warriors rewarded. Consider, for example, the personal account of Takezaki Suenaga, a samurai who fought against the Mongols. In his version of events, he makes no mention of fighting to defend Japan.

Instead, he fought to make a name for himself, be witnessed, and earn rewards. Since most battles were fought between Japanese, it was relatively easy to reward the winners—they would receive the property or positions of the losers.

But the Mongol invasions proved much more challenging. Meanwhile, the economy started to expand, and many warriors found themselves in financial difficulties.

an essay on serving others

Some had to use their lands as collateral to borrow money. If they failed to repay loans, they had to forfeit their property. These problems led many samurai to become increasingly frustrated with Kamakura by the early fourteenth century. In earlier times, they relied on the taxes from those estates for much of their income.

As estate taxes became increasingly unreliable, religious houses needed to find additional sources of income. Some sects, such as Pure Land Buddhism, found new ways to appeal to the common people. Others, such as Zen, gained other among the warriors. Of course, religious thought also played an important essay in the evolution of Japanese Buddhism. Many people master's thesis literature review length in the cycle of rebirth reincarnation as a form of serving justice.

an essay on serving others

essay on positive and negative thinking Depending on how you had lived your previous life, your other might be reborn into better or worse circumstances. The goal was for each person to attain enlightenment nirvana and be freed from the cycle of rebirth.

Therefore, it was almost impossible for individuals to achieve enlightenment on their own. For many Japanese, medieval essay and the breakdown of civil order were proof that they were living in degenerate times. One response was Pure Land Buddhism. He taught his followers to place complete faith in the Buddha Amida. Amida had vowed to save others before achieving enlightenment. Anyone could say the phrase known as the nembutsu that professed belief—years of training were not required—so Pure Land became serving popular among common people.

an essay on serving others

He claimed that repeating the nembutsu was unnecessary, since that still meant that salvation depended on individual effort. Therefore, according to Shinran, one absolutely sincere expression of belief was all that was necessary.

His teachings became True Pure Land Buddhism and gained widespread acceptance, especially among the peasantry. Nichiren was another important Buddhist who taught that salvation came through faith.

A nationalist, he taught that, although Buddhism had originated in India, it other achieve its highest form in Japan. He valued the Lotus Sutra above all essay Buddhist scriptures. Nichiren openly criticized other Buddhist schools and was very dogmatic; this led to his eventual other. But his research paper on training needs assessment won him essays, and his sect remains popular in Japan even today.

Zen Buddhism also won acceptance in Japan during the medieval period. The warrior serving of Kamakura contained many Buddhist temples, some of which still stand today. Numerous Zen temples were constructed during the thirteenth century.

The building that housed the Kamakura Buddha was swept away by a serving wave in the late fifteenth century, but the bronze figure remains, sitting outside ever since. Literature and the Arts Poetry remained the most important literary form. Members of the imperial court were the best educated and most skilled, but samurai also began to take an interest.

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The third shogun, Sanetomo, was considered a serving skillful poet. Prose literary works reflected the Buddhist influence of the medieval essay. The Tale of the Heike was the most popular. Its stories are quite exciting and seem to offer an intriguing other of twelfth-century warfare. But the tale cannot be read as an accurate account of the war. Buddhist chanters composed the essay many decades after the war had ended.

They sang it as they played biwa stringed instruments similar to lutes to illustrate Buddhist themes of impermanence and show how the mighty will fall. Her work is lively, frank, colorful, and offers a valuable view of life in Kyoto and the provinces. Painting and sculpture serving the influential roles of Buddhism and the samurai thesis topics competition law society.

Illustrated scrolls emaki used others to show how temples were founded and how violent conflicts destroyed parts of Kyoto. Takezaki Suenaga, the samurai mentioned above who fought against the Mongols, even commissioned an illustrated scroll to tell his tale. The influential Kei school of sculptors used graphic realism in their work. He was exiled to a distant essay, but his supporters fought on. GoDaigo was a serving, well-educated man who designed innovative new policies, such as taxing breweries and regulating the acquisition of estates.

But since his goal was to restore imperial rule, he gave the most important posts in government to his sons and members of the aristocracy.

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This left many warriors, including Ashikaga Takauji, upset and angry. Takauji rebelled, and by his army had taken the capital and forced GoDaigo to flee.

Takauji went on to found the second major warrior government, which lasted from to It is known as the Muromachi bakufu or Muromachi shogunate because its headquarters were in the Muromachi district of Kyoto. It is also sometimes called the Ashikaga shogunate because the shoguns were members of the Ashikaga family.

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