16.02.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

How to write an essay for history 1301 - Internet based education essay

A time line from before writing began to the present, linked to Andrew Roberts' book Social Science History and to other resources.

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Age of animalculaejelly fishgreen scum and the like. In water "there was probably as rich and abundant and active a life of infusoria and the like as one finds in a drop of ditchwater today".

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Life in the early paleozoic had a "general resemblance", to ditchwater life on a larger scale. Wells starting about 2.

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Mesoproterozoic from 1,, to 1,, years ago. The amoeba has no hard part, but some single cell organisms produce microscopic skeletons or shells.

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Foraminifer's calcite creates limestone and chalk. The silica of Radiolaria forms chert.

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Particular importance attaches to Phytoplanktonsuch as diatoms, which photosynthesise much of the worlds oxygen and are the microscopic plants at the base of the oceanic food chain. Seaweed, Algae-colonies, Flagellate algae. Molecular clock methods indicate that red and green algae arose around 1,, years ago, and the secondary symbiosis that eventually led to the chromists occurred around 1,, years ago during the late Mesoproterzoic era, after the earth's transition to a more highly oxygenated atmosphere with an ozone screen.

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Fossil evidence is consistent with these gene-based estimates. The reference relates to Multicellular filaments from arctic Canada identified as a red algae Bangiomorpha pubescens.

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See seaweeds of Alaska Schenkp. Sponges, Seaweed, Giant seaweed, Coral. Our experienced writers are professional in many fields of knowledge so that they can assist you with virtually any academic task.

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