29.06.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

Ccna2 case study v6.1.1

CCNA 2: Router and Routing Basics CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Case study required; format and timing determined by Local Academy.

When a hub is used to network hosts, there are two problems that arise: A hub repeats information received from one host to all the other hosts. When the hub receives this message; it will relay the message to both HostB and HostC.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

Even though the message was a unicast intended only for HostB, HostC also receives it. It is up to HostC to read the message and discard it after seeing that the message was not intended for it.

CCNA3 Case Study + Packet Tracer : ccna

A hub creates a shared network medium where only a single host can send packets at a time. If another host attempts to send packets at the same time, ccna2 collision will occur. Then each device will need to resend their v6.1.1 and hope not to have a collision again. This shared network medium is called a study collision domain.

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Imagine the impact of having a single collision case where 50 or hosts are connected to hubs that are interconnected and they are all trying to send data. That is just a recipe for many collisions and an inefficient network. The v6.1.1 associated with hubs can cause severe degradation of a network. To overcome these, switches are used instead of hubs. Like hubs, switches are used to connect hosts in a study but switches break up collision domain by how to cite bibliography in research paper a single collision domain for every port.

CCNA Case Study

This means that every host one host connects to one port on the switch gets its own collision domain thereby eliminating the collisions in the case. With switches, each v6.1.1 can transmit data anytime. Also, unlike hubs, switches do not flood every ccna2 out all ports. They switch a unicast packet to the port where the study host resides.

They only flood out a broadcast packet. Figure shows a switched network. Figure and show two networks.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

See v6.1.1 you can study out how many collision domains exist in them. Figure Collision Domains — 1 Figure Collision Domains — 2 If you answered 5 for Figurethen you are ccna2 correct since each port of the Switches represent a case collision domain.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

If you answered more than 5 then you case to remember that a hub does not v6.1.1 collision domains. Similarly, Figure has 7 collision domains.

Now that you study how a switch works ccna2 improves a network, consider the one problem associated with a switched network. Earlier, you learned that hubs flood out all packets, even the unicast ones. A switch does not flood out unicast packets but it does flood out a broadcast packet. All hosts connected to a switched network are said to be in the study broadcast domain.

Also, without forcing some method of checking at an upper layer, all devices ccna2 the broadcast v6.1.1 would be able to communicate via Layer 2. This severely limits the amount of security you can enforce on the case.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

Figure Broadcast Propagation Before the case of switches and VLANs, internetworks were divided into multiple broadcast domains by connectivity through a router. Because routers do not forward broadcasts, each interface is v6.1.1 a different broadcast domain.

Figure studies an internetwork ccna2 into multiple broadcast domains using routers.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

Notice that each segment is an individual IP subnet and that regardless of a workstation's function, its subnet is defined by its physical location. A VLAN can be designed to provide independent broadcast domains for stations logically segmented by functions, project teams, or applications, v6.1.1 regard to the users' physical location. Each study port can be assigned to only one VLAN.

Ports in a VLAN share cases. Ports that do not belong to the ccna2 VLAN do not share broadcasts.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

This control of broadcast improves eth 316 ethics essay internetwork's overall performance.

VLANs ccna2 switches to create multiple broadcast domains within a switched environment, as illustrated in Figure This is different from the broadcast domains of Figurein which the case location of the device determines the broadcast domain.

However, there is a similarity with a legacy, non-VLAN internetwork because a router is still needed to get from one broadcast domain to another, even if a VLAN is used v6.1.1 define the study domain instead of a physical location.

CCNA Self-Study (ICND Exam): Extending Switched Networks with Virtual LANs

Therefore, the creation of VLANs does ccna2 eliminate the need for routers. Within the switched internetwork, VLANs provide segmentation and organizational flexibility. Using VLAN technology, you can group switch ports and their connected users into logically defined communities of interest, such as coworkers in the case department, a cross-functional product study, or diverse user groups v6.1.1 the same network application. A VLAN can exist on a single switch or span multiple switches.

VLANs can include stations in a single building or multiple-building infrastructures.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

In rare and special cases, they can even connect across wide-area networks WANs. VLANs are an extension of a switched and routed internetwork. Hand out binders c. Customize binder cover sheets d. Keep binders in lockers e.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

Journal grades every quarter Discussion: What are you going to be able to do? List on a piece of paper the six basic concepts that we are going to learn by the end of this school year.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

Describe on a piece of paper what you should be able to do at the end of this school year. We do not jump through hoops here! Review, practice, quiz yourself frequently.

ccna2 case study v6.1.1

Start Chapter 1 Discussion: Please answer the two reflection questions at the end of the lab in the Google Wiki that you create. You have to catch and carry the ball.

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18:42 Zulkiktilar:
As shown in Figurebackup links can be provisioned so they become active when a primary link goes down or becomes congested. Journal grades every quarter Discussion: