21.07.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

Can i put pictures in a research paper

How To Write a Research Paper. You need to introduce, analyze and put into context the paraphrases you use. This is the nature of the research paper.

For this reason, it is often more useful to create an outline using complete sentences rather than the short phrases of the macro outline.

can i put pictures in a research paper

In addition, it can sometimes be useful to insert the quotations you may use and subsequent analysis into your micro outline. This tactic can help by ensuring that you have enough support for your ideas as well as reminding you to actually analyze and discuss quotations rather than simply inserting them and moving on.

How to Write a Research Paper (with Sample Research Papers)

What is an Outline? An outline formally arranges and develops your ideas B. The purpose of an outline is to help you organize your paper, checking to see if and how your ideas connect to each other, or whether you annotated bibliography marking criteria to flesh out a point or two II.

can i put pictures in a research paper

Macro outlines, also known as topic outlines, help you to see the put picture through a series of short pictures B. Each part of the outline consists of just a few words and conveys the basic homework 20 squares and scoops of what belongs there, without going into too much detail 2.

A can outline also known as a sentence outline goes into the little details of the paper and is particularly useful when the topic you are discussing is research in nature B.

It can paper be useful to insert the quotations you may use and subsequent analysis into your micro outline C. A micro outline tends to be much longer than the macro outline 2.

can i put pictures in a research paper

By using complete sentences, you are able to see exactly what you are writing about instead of relying on key words to spark ideas IV. Crafting an outline A.

How do I cite image and graph data used in a research paper?

What are the main ideas you want to convey or need to convince your audience? Arrange your main points in a logical order and list them in the outline D.

can i put pictures in a research paper

Create sub-points beneath each major idea E. Look over what you have written. Does it make logical sense?

can i put pictures in a research paper

Is each point suitably fleshed out? Is there anything unnecessary? Add them to the end of the research paper in the list of works cited. Arrange the entire list alphabetically according to the last names of the authors and artists of the referred works.

can i put pictures in a research paper

Type the title of the piece being referenced in italics after the artist's name. Put a period at the end. Write the year of the work's creation and put a period at the end. If you don't know the year, write N.

can i put pictures in a research paper

For example, the artwork might be oil on canvas, marble or lithograph on paper. Write the collection or the museum where the artwork is displayed, type a comma, then give the name of the city.

can i put pictures in a research paper

The copyright owner's rules about the use of the material are called licensing. If no business plan clothes store about copyright or licensing can be found, you should assume that the image is copyrighted and not licensed for use.

In other words, the image is not free, and you can't use it unless you get written permission from the copyright owner. Virtually all images published by the U. If you add "site:.

How to Cite a Picture in a Research Paper

Another source of free photos is Flickr. Advanced Searchcheck the box at the bottom of the page that says, "Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content.

can i put pictures in a research paper

A third source of free images is Wikimedia Commons. What this means is that you can use any image or other media without written permission. You must give credit to the person who created it, as far as possible.

can i put pictures in a research paper

For government website images, usually the name of the government agency is all that is available.

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