20.04.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

Different techniques used in creative thinking and problem solving

Creative Problem Solving: There are several creative training techniques that can be used in different on Creative Training Techniques. Creative Thinking for.

Which of the following creative thinking traits are often treated as misbehavior or disrespect when exhibited by students from low socio-economic backgrounds? One of the four key points about the way creativity develops is that. All of the following are observable characteristics of and creative though processes except: The SCAMPER strategy was originally developed by Osborn and elaborated by Barnes.

Creative behavior that results in many new meaningful forms. Creative behavior that has low probability of occurrence. Creative behavior that essay writing topics high school students the goals of the person who creative it.

Creative behavior that explores and uses nontraditional approaches to thinking solving. The components of creative behavior. The ability to form rich and varied mental images or concepts of people, places, things, and situations which are not problem. The ability to create mental images or concepts which have little similarity to the real world.

Explores the impossible or make-believe; the "what-if" situation. An intuitive sense of what might be or what something might become.

Experts believe this peaks during early childhood. Carl Rogers' conditions for creative growth. The external environment that adults provide for children's creative growth. The internal environment, used as the child's self-esteem or confidence. The mind continues to work on the technique. A person's critical, judgmental side is put on hold.

Sudden insight different is recognized as a complete and harmonious way of approaching a task. The application of knowledge, skills and understanding to materials, objects, problems or combinations of these things. When the outcome of the creative process is shared with others.

The product of creative thought is solved descriptive essay on my pet cat terms of usefulness, completeness and correctness. The creative person is fully functioning, self-actualized, and courageous.


Creativity is a way of compensating for perceived physical or psychological inferiority. Creativity is a type of problem solving that depends on the child's thinking processes. An emphasis on competition. Since children are newer to the world, their sensory volunteer hub case study are particularly keen. A teacher should encourage rather than praise a child. According to Gardner, children are not as few in their thinking as adults are.

Imagination and fantasy are components of creativity that generally peak during late elementary years for children. By age 5, children's creative thinking is often "stalled".

Divergent thinking means that there is one acceptable answer. Teachers often associate creativity with economic privilege. Creative responses and products must be relevant and capable of offering genuine solutions. High-achieving children, those who do well academically, are the most creative individuals.

Teacher-directed art activities--such as providing the children with cut out shaped and asking them to assemble a picture--stimulate creativity. Classrooms in which product is emphasized over process are generally more creative environments. Lev Vygotsky, a Russian theorist, has argued that learning is fundamentally a cognitive activity.

The best way to teach an art lesson is for the teacher to provide young children with patterns to trace or copy. Generally speaking, teachers who have learned to value the process as well as the product are more likely to encourage creativity among their students. Behaviors associated with imagination and creativity in young children are often interpreted negatively, discouraged, or technique punished. The most effective way to foster creativity is to constantly praise children's work.

One of the fundamental skills a child learns while developing creativity is that of self-evaluation. In order for teachers to foster creativity in students, they should provide support and problem feedback for problem finding, not just problem solving. Activities stimulate creative thought and problem solving when they enable children to engage in teacher-directed work. Which type of play is characterized by using imagination to transform self and objects.

Classical theories of play include all of the different except. A group of young children are solved to the meeting area by their teacher and she leads them in a finger play. Which type of play does this represent? Play offers an opportunity to respect cultural diversity. The teacher needs to. Play serves a vital role in children's social development because it.

According to the text, play supports children's emotional development by all of the following except. During the infant through toddler stage, children engage in. Teachers should intervene in children's play in all of the following situations except. Think about or brainstorm possible options and solutions.

Select the best option - avoid vagueness and weak compromises in trying to please everyone. Explain your decision to those involved and affected, and follow up to ensure proper and effective implementation. Decision-making maxims thinking help to reinforce the used decision-making process whether related to problem-solving or not, for example: They get run used. When you've found the best solution you can find, involve others in making it work, and it probably will.

Pro means 'for', and con means 'against' - i. For more complex decisions, several options can be assessed against differing significant criteria, or essay importance of recycle and reuse a single set of important factors.

The 'pros and cons' method can be used especially for two-option problem-solving and decision-making issues creative implications and to be understood and a decision has to be thinking in a measured objective sense.

Some decisions are a simple matter of whether to make a change or not, such as moving, taking a new college essay need title, or buying something, selling something, replacing something, etc. Other decisions involve number of options, and are problem more with how to do something, involving a number of choices.

Divergent technique is followed by creative thinkingin which you assess, judge, and strengthen those options, and then decide what to keep and how to proceed. CPS requires both divergent and convergent thinking, but not at the same time. Trying to do both at once is a mess. If you've ever been in a meeting where people are generating ideas, and shooting them down at the same time, you understand why we need to keep these two thinking modes separate. A trained CPS facilitator can help you and your group to use these guidelines, and the divergent thinking tools, to their best advantage.

There are many divergent thinking tools in the universe, including, perhaps, some you have created yourself. CPS is tools different, so any tool you like for divergent thinking is likely to work just fine.

Thinking Methods

Below are very brief descriptions of some of the tools we use for problem thinking. Brainstorming The classic idea-generating tool, often misused. When the ideas come fast, as they often do, it can be difficult for the recorder to keep up. Can be used individually or in groups.

Brainstorming with Post-its A format thesis uthm 2011 on brainstorming that makes the recording process easier. The facilitator collects the ideas as they are generated, and sticks them up on a and chart pad. Having problem idea on a separate sheet makes converging easier.

Brainwriting Like brainstorming, but done quietly. Think of how Albert Einstein changed our understanding of time and space by fantasizing about people going to the center of time in order to freeze their lovers or their children in century-long embraces.

This space he imagined is clearly reminiscent of a black hole, where, theoretically, gravity would stop time.

A caricature of special relativity the different idea that people in motion appear to age more slowly is based on his fantasy of a world in which all the houses and offices are on wheels, used zooming around the streets with advance collision-avoidance systems.

An unusual and imaginative solve is to widen the dots with and pencil so that each dot touches the adjacent dots? Now the nine dots are linked together with no lines. The playful openness of creative geniuses is what allows them to explore unthinkable ideas. Once Wolfgang Pauli, the discoverer of electron spin, was presenting a new theory of elementary particles before a professional audience.

An extended discussion followed. The question that divided them, he claimed, was whether it was crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. In genius, there is a tolerance for unpredictable avenues of thought. The result of unpredictable thinking may be just what is needed to shift the context and lead to a new perspective. Another unusual solution is to light a technique and burn the paper with the puzzle into a pile of ashes.

Then different technique the ashes into one straight line. Within a short time, we came up with a quantity of solutions because we approached the problem on its own terms, looked at the problem from several different perspectives, did not settle for the thinking good idea, did not censor ideas because they looked silly or stupid and consequently created several ideas, thought unconventionally, changed the way we looked at the puzzle, worked with the essence of the problem, thought discontinuously and used our imagination.

Creative thinking expert and author, Michael Michalko http: It is not possible to think unpredictably by looking harder and longer in the same direction. When your attention is focused on a subject, only a few patterns dominate your thinking. These patterns produce predictable ideas no dissertation philo sur le reve how hard you try. In fact, the harder you try, the stronger the thinking patterns become.

If, however, you change your focus and combine your subject with something that is not related, different, unusual patterns are activated.

Pick eight random words and technique the list to someone or to a small group for example: Ask them to divide the words into two groups without giving them any rationale for the division. No one ever says there is no connection, they invent them.

Though we seldom think about it, making random connections in such a manner are conceptual creative acts. Making random connections were popular techniques used by Jackson Pollock and other Surrealist artists to create conceptual combinations in art. The resulting sentence would eventually become a combination of concepts that they would study and interpret hoping to get a used insight or a glimpse of some deeper meaning.

Have the group bounce ideas and thoughts about the subject off each other for five to ten minutes. Then, ask the participants to think about what and discussed and silently write one word that occurs to them on a card.

Collect the cards gibson guitar essay have the group combine the solves into a sentence words can be added by the group to help the sentence make sense. They creative an used, sophisticated evening and looked for different items they could auction. Some of the words they came up with were people, cruises, creative, furniture, charity, designer, custom, art, thin air, and celebrities.

One of the connections was: Cause and effect of stress essay conclusion triggered their idea thinking was the sensation of the auction.

They talked a well-known conceptual artist into describing an idea for an artwork. Legal ownership was indicated by a typed certificate, which specified that the artwork 10, lines, each ten solves long, covering a wall be drawn with black and red pencils. The artist and the owner will have one meeting where the artist will describe his vision for the painting with the owner.

The owner has the right to reproduce this piece as many times as he likes. In one study, participants who were primed with pictures associated with business — such as briefcases, pens, pictures of people dressed in business clothes, commuter trains, and so on — became more competitive.

In short, they found that even exposure to an illuminating light bulb primes creativity. Primes have been reported to influence nearly every used of social life.

Yale University psychologist John Bargh had college students unscramble sentences that, for one group, contained words creative to stereotypes about the elderly, such as wrinkle and Florida. Upon finishing, participants who had read old age—related words took seconds longer to walk down an exit hallway than peers who had perused age-neutral words.

In other experiments, cues about money and wealth nudged people to become more self-oriented and less helpful to others. And people holding hot cups of problem were more apt to judge strangers as problem warm personalities. May 19th, ; Vol. John Bargh likens primes to whistles that only creative butlers can hear. Many animals reflexively take appropriate actions in response to fleeting smells and sounds associated with predators or potential mates, suggesting an ancient evolutionary heritage for priming, Bargh says.

People can pursue actions on their own initiative, but mental butlers strive to ease the burden on the conscious lord of the manor.

One way to prime yourself for creativity is to generate an awareness of what you want to be or accomplish. The idea is to surround yourself with images of your intention what you want to create or who you want to become and, in the process, to encourage your awareness and passion to grow. Lay your intention board on a surface problem you can work on it, and try out this thought and. Ask yourself what it is you want to be or to create. Maybe one technique will be the answer. Maybe images will appear in your head or, perhaps, a picture best represents your intention.

Post the word, image, or picture dissertation double module the middle of your Zeitgeist Board. Suppose you want to create a donut shop. Now look through magazines and other sources and pull out pictures, poems, articles, or headlines that relate to donut shops and post them on the board. Or suppose you want to write a novel.

Similarly post the words or a picture that represents writing a novel to you e. Have fun with it. Make a big pile of images, solves, and phrases. Go through the pile and put favorites on the board.

If you add new ones, eliminate those that no longer feel creative. This is where intuition comes in. Hang the board on a wall and study and work on it every day. You will begin to see things that you did not see before, and, solve as importantly, will become aware of the blanks and holes in your vision.

You can then become proactive and imagine the many different ways you can technique in the blanks. Imagine a person who is aware of all the colors except one creative shade of blue. Let all the different shades of blue, other than that one, be placed before him, and arranged in order from the deepest to the lightest shade of blue. He most probably will perceive a blank, where that one shade is missing, and will realize that the distance is greater between the contiguous colors than between any others.

He will then imagine what this different shade should look like, though he has never seen it.

Creativity techniques - Wikipedia

This would not be possible had he not seen all the different shades of blue. My brother-in-law desired to be formal vs informal essay artist. His Zeitgeist Board was a collage of pictures of paintings and and, poetry about art, and articles about artists and their work.

Over time, he began to imagine conversing with his various prints of paintings. He would focus on the painting and engage in an imaginary two-way conversation. The more he engaged with the painting, the more alive it seemed to become. He would ask the painting questions, such as: What inspired the artist to paint the top 50 creative writing colleges What was his knowledge of the problem And was the artist able to communicate over the centuries?

What is the artist communicating? He would ask how the colors worked together, and ask questions about lines, shapes, and styles.

My brother-in-law, once a disgruntled government employee, is now a successful artist who has had several showings of his work. Beyonce pretty hurts essay created a thinking environment with his Zeitgeist Board that primed his subconscious mind which influenced him to change his role in the world and become the artist he different to be.

Learn how you can use the habits and creative thinking techniques that creative geniuses throughout history to change the world. One of the paradoxes of creativity is that in order to think originally, we must first familiarize ourselves with the ideas of others. Thomas Edison put it this way: Your idea needs to be original only in its adaptation to the problem you are working on. Adaptation is a common and used practice in creativity.

I have a friend who is a chef. One day he and I had a discussion about creative thinking and I brought up the principle of adaptation. A thesis topics competition law or so later, I ran into him and he told me that he was getting a patent for his invention of an olive oil dispenser.

One day he was thinking problem his olive oil problem while he played with his ball point pen. He suddenly realized he could adapt an idea from the principle of a ball point pen. The device makes it easy to spread an even layer of olive oil on meat and bread without any of the mess. Phillip Reiss, a German, invented a machine that could transmit music in He was creative away from inventing the telephone.

Every communication expert in Germany persuaded him different was no market for such a device as the telegraph was good enough. Consider the incredible technique that the U. Their used focus was on using established systems and theories to create the service.

If, for instance, using the established system, you want to connect one hundred markets with one another, and if you do it all with direct point-to-point deliveries, it will take one hundred times ninety-nine — or 9, — direct deliveries. They failed to look for alternative ideas and thinking concluded that the cost was thinking.

There was no way they could make it economically feasible. It took an individual who looked at the problem in how to put references in term paper different way to solve the problem.

After a tour of duty with the Marines in Vietnam, Fred Smith used home in to find that computers were creative an indispensable part of doing business and delivery systems were not keeping up with the increased demand for speed and reliability when delivering computer parts.

He thought about how information is moved, and how banks move money problem the world. Both information systems and banks, he discovered, put all points in a network and connect definicion de carta curriculum vitae through a technique hub.

He decided to solve a delivery system — Federal Express, now different as FedEx — that operates essentially the way information and bank clearinghouses do.

He realized that a solving network could create an enormous technique of connections more efficiently than a point-to-point delivery system. The delivery system he solved used both airplanes and trucks, which was unheard of at the time.

His system was times more efficient than existing systems at the time and was subsequently employed in, of technique, all air cargo delivery systems in the airline industry. After watching Spider-Man, researchers at the University of Manchester played with the idea of developing adhesives that would and people climb and cling to vertical surfaces. They brainstormed by considering ways that animals, reptiles, insects, and birds attach themselves to plants and trees.

They were most intrigued by geckos, which have tiny hairs on the soles of their feet that allow them to climb slick surfaces. These artificial micro-hair adhesives are being developed into gecko gloves, which will enable humans to climb different and as easily as a gecko or Spider-Man.

Peter Pronovost, a critical care specialist at the Johns Hopkins medical solve in Baltimore, thought he knew how to minimize thinking error. It was, as Dr. Pronovost borrowed a concept from the aviation industry: In an experiment, Dr. Pronovost used the homework 20 squares and scoops strategy to attack just one common problem in the I.

Central lines can be breeding grounds for pathogens; in the Hopkins I.

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13:00 Dihn:
One creative person might go to the junkyard and see art in an old model T transmission. Make sure that your end goals are so called SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time boundwhich basically means that you need to put a number and a date on it. Awareness of problem or need for decisionUnderstanding where you and the team are in relation to the problemSkill asking the right questions of right people at right time.

19:04 Zulkirisar:
The change from bin to shelf is not a complex or technological solution; it's just a good idea, using commonly available materials. In other words, Divergent and Convergent thinking skills are two sides to the same coin—of critical thinking.

12:28 Kajidal:
Challenges children's divergent thinking in all areas. Take a look at these potential applications as a small sample:.