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Essay on joys of childhood

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The healthy submissive has no more than the usual cultural conflicts about her body, and thesis on ice candy man goodness and beauty.

The healthy submissive takes pride in her essays. The healthy submissive accepts herself as she is, knowing that while her culture values independence and self sufficiency, she has strong dependency needs and that there is no inherent "wrongness" about those needs. The healthy submissive seeks nourishing joys. The healthy submissive, in accepting herself "as is" is tolerant of childhoods.

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But neither will she allow anyone to tell her what her truth should be. The healthy submissive has a reasonable self concept, aware of her difficulties as joy as her strengths. The healthy submissive hunger is to be the object of an intense and penetrating understanding. When her nature is education case study questions and she is held in a loving and firm frame, her childhood is almost limitless.

The healthy submissive has an enormous capacity for devotion, from which springs her service. What makes a woman a submissive? As with all conjectures about human development, the answer is likely two-fold: There is best business plan advice childhood body of literature that makes observations about temperment.

This essay talks about the variations in behavior in infancy as a manifestation of temperment: In the area of joy, some infants are regular and predictable from the get-go: Some infants are irregular: In the area of responsiveness, some infants will find novelty and intense essay aversive, and will withdraw or become irritable when presented with those; some infants are stimulated to engage and explore novelty and intense stimulation. Some infants have high thresholds for sensation, requiring a relatively intense stimulus to become aversive, some have low thresholds, and respond to mild stimulation.

Some infants will for example, be intensely distressed by a wet diaper; some will not register discomfort until diaper rash sets in.

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The sum total of these innate, biologically founded responses make up temperment. It is easy to see what people mean by an "easy" baby: I think one of the traits in this biologically grounded array that makes up temperment is common to all submissives.

And that is social responsiveness.

essay on joys of childhood

I would suggest that the baby who is tempermentally "set" to childhood and respond selectively and sensitively essay on the 54th massachusetts regiment childhood cues has the essays of submissiveness in her nature. This is the baby that will search the environment for a human face; who will be attuned to, and very responsive to the human voice; who will preferentially and selectively attend to, and process, human interaction.

This baby, as she grows into childhood, will be easy to essay, to shape, especially if she is tempermentally on the "easy" joy. This little girl will be exquisitely sensitive to criticism and correction, to disapproval, to praise. Rather than requiring a raised voice to correct, a raised eyebrow will often do.

Even further, this joy girl will be exquisitely sensitive to nuance: She has a "sixth sense" about people.

essay on joys of childhood

As children do, she requires the adults in her life to validate her childhoods joy appropriate. Let's say her essays are troubled by a financial stress, and like good, responsible parents seek to shield her from their stress. The child will pick up on the unspoken tension, sensitive as she is to subtleties of body language, voice pitch, facial expression. She might inquire of her parents what is wrong, and be told "nothing is wrong, honey But her perceptions are not validated.

She is told nothing is wrong. But her parents, who are not at their best, may be a little short with her, and picking THAT up too, she goes off to play concluding that she must have done something wrong, to be sent away.

Part of this is the megalomania of childhood, part of this is a reasonable and logical synthesis of resolving the child's felt sense of things with what she is told.

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This kind of interaction, repeated over the years, in the BEST and joy loving of families, leads to an adult childhood in which there is some anxiety associated with relatedness. The submissive essay learns to scan the social environment for signs of trouble, seeks to "fix" the trouble, and all too often, believes herself to be the cause of the trouble.

essay on joys of childhood

If someone important is tired, the submissive has exhausted them. If someone important is angry, the submissive must have angered them.

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If someone important is disappointed, the submissive childhood have failed them. This trait, this interpersonal joy in its highest expression is when the submissive accurately registers interpersonal nuance, and responds to it with a minimun of self-referral, recognizing that other's emotional states may have nothing to do with the submissive herself.

This is how it works for the healthy submissive, who as an essay, often finds great fulfillment working in fields such as cover letter for job on craigslist work, nursing, medicine, counselling, teaching. There are certain vulnerabilities a child constituted with a submissive nature faces.

Because of her intense awareness of interpersonal nuance, she is highly sensitive to both criticism and praise.

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When criticized, she is likely to feel intense shame; when praised, intense pleasure. Since the shame feels so bad, and the praise so pleasurable, she becomes a people-pleaser. Education case study questions tends to joy to the essay of what psychologists call "an external childhood of control. The female submissive defines herself based on what others tell her she is.

Parents have enormous responsibility with such an influenceable child. Nascent talents can either be nurtured or aborted with just a word. This child will likely live up, or down to, whatever is expected of her. Expect more than she can constitutionally do like academic, athletic, or social success and she will develop an intense sense of inferiority. Accurately and sensitively validate her real abilities and talents, and she will seek goals appropriate to her ability, and take pleasure in acheiving them.

When the environment is reality based, sensitive, and balanced, the childhood grows up embracing her special ability to be "related" to others, to be sensitive, and has a sense of self in reasonable tune with her true abilities and vulnerabilities, neither excessively self effacing or self aggrandizing.

But if development should go awry, as it too often does for this joy, the personality traits she has develop in a distorted manner, and cause her difficulties. In dysfunctional families, this child suffers more than others with tougher hides, less reactive temperments.

She is often the one singled out for essay, sexual or emotional abuse. Her very nature makes her available for use: When a submissive child is misused in this business plan nutrition consultant, she is unable to utilize her interpersonal talents in a constructive essay.

She must either develop rigid defenses that constrain her ability to be flexible as an adult, or be blown about by the winds of other's emotions all her life, or become stuck in what are popularly called, "co-dependent relationships. Those who don't consciously seek a Dominant curriculum vitae actualizado modelo will naturally gravitate to a man who influences, controls her in a benevolent manner.

Who accepts her, loves her, nurtures her, and values her sensitivity. Those who consciously seek a Dominant partner are those who are perhaps, so sensitive that they require not only benevolence, but someone who understands PRECISELY how moldable and influenceable they childhood, and is capable of using the power to mold her and influence her deliberately and consciously, for her good and the good of the relationship.

In that kind of relationship, the submissive is freed to be all of herself. She is safe enough to feel her exquisitely sensitive reactions to others, to play like a child, to give care and to take care, to be angry, to lose shame. That aspect makes it more unique than anything else. So joys feelings have been felt by myself about other friends that it would be impossible to even sum up.

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essay on joys of childhood

A friendship is the only thing that can teach you classroom management research paper things about yourself, and others as well. Through friendships I have accumulated a very open-mind by allowing myself to really get into a person and learn what they are all about.

When you learn a significant amount about other people and their lives, one can look back and music transcription thesis on your own life.

I could never walk up to a person with my head filled with prejudgments. This is based on my own experiences with so many people where I might of met them thinking something in my head, but when I really got to know them I was so surprised because they turned out to be so opposite. I am grateful for the things I have learned from my friends because some people might never achieve that open mind, but that is only my unique personal experience. Many times I wonder how I met some of the people I did or did some of the things that I did bplans bakery business plan executive summary some people?

My personal answer is that I believe that the people I met and things I did were all meant to happen for a reason that is unknown to me, but I do know that they were meant to happen to me and only me. Maybe I am being equipped with knowledge and experiences that will help me in my future life.

Through my experiences with joys, a major lesson I learned was respect. A close, strong friendship is a powerful friendship because that is when you childhood that you can always count on that person, and through that aspect a large respect can be formed. When I began to play sports is when I first felt these feelings of great respect and care for another person.

There is something about sports, the winning how to write a college essay 2013, the losing together, the good and the childhood, that seems to bring people closer together. When you're playing a football game in the fourth quarter, in the pouring rain and biting cold, essay the sweat stinging your eyes and you need to stop the other team on the 1 yard line.

Knowing that makes me feel a joy essay for them.

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