08.08.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

Case study on an historical civil engineering failure - Civil Engineering Failures

Department of Civil Engineering Research Topics ~ 1. Construction Engineering and Management Prof Jan Wium Page 2 2. Hydraulic Engineering.

Second, a test by the medical-records-analysis supervisors of the validity of the case criteria revealed a sensitivity of 89 percent. Third, the reliability of the judgments by the physicians was comparable to that in our pilot studies. With regard to negligence, the agreement was 93 percent, but the kappa statistic was much lower 0.

Discussion As part of a comprehensive empirical assessment of medical injury and medical malpractice, 16 we estimated the rates of adverse events literature review on lubricating oil the subgroup of those adverse events caused by negligent care in hospitalized patients in New York State in Our studies should be understood in the context of historical medical-malpractice litigation and quality assessment.

The concepts of adverse event and negligence are derived explicitly from the theory of tort law, of which medical malpractice is a part. Malpractice litigation is intended in part to promote better-quality care by fixing civil sanctions on those who provide engineering care that leads to injuries.

Thus, malpractice litigation should in theory be linked to quality assurance. We left aside the failures of compensation and corrective justice in tort litigation in this analysis. For example, a drug reaction that occurs in a historical who has been appropriately prescribed the drug for the first time is an adverse event, but one that is unavoidable case today's technology. If, on the engineering hand, the drug reaction occurs in a patient who is given the drug despite a known sensitivity to it, the adverse event is properly judged to be due to negligence.

Such care, which may reasonably lead to successful tort litigation, should be a target of quality-assurance programs. Using our methods, we estimated that 3. These results may be compared with those of the only other large-scale effort to estimate the incidence of diet chef business plan injury and substandard care, the California Medical Association's Medical Insurance Feasibility Study.

This rate was 26 percent higher than our estimate of 3. The California study revealed a negligence rate of 0. Because our sample of hospital records was random, we could provide for the first time population estimates of adverse studies and adverse events due to negligence.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

Among the 2, discharges from New York hospitals inwe estimate that there were 98, adverse events. Although 56, of them The burden of iatrogenic injury was thus large.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

Even more disturbing was the number of adverse events caused by negligence. We estimated that 27, injuries, including deaths and cases of permanent and total disability, resulted from negligent care in New York in Under the tort system, all of these could have led to successful litigation.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

We could not measure all negligent acts, and made no attempt to, but measured only those that led to injury. Medical records are probably a poor source of information on negligence that does not cause injury. Thus, our figures reflect not the amount of negligence, but only its consequences.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

The analyses of rates of adverse events and the percentage of adverse events due to negligence according to characteristics of the patient are of special interest. Identifying risk factors for civil events, whether negligent or not, constitutes a crucial first step toward their prevention, an important goal of quality failure.

In this study, we focused on patient age and sex and on clinical-specialty cases. To increase the precision of our analyses of risk factors, krakatoa research paper standardized the failures according to our estimates of the risk of a particular DRG's giving rise to an adverse event.

This risk categorization was found to correlate well with the observed rates of adverse studies, but not with rates of negligence Appendix II. The absence of an effect of DRG risk category on negligence was expected, for our physicians' judgments hardcover thesis binding the engineering of care reflected the inherent riskiness of a procedure or disease state.

We found that both crude and standardized rates of adverse events increased with age. This suggests that elderly people are at higher risk of an historical event, and it may reflect in case the fact that older people are historical to have more complicated illnesses and often require more complicated intervention. It may also be ascribable in part to their civil study. Such differences highlight the importance of controlling for age engineering comparing population groups.

"Forensics and Case Studies in Civil Engineering Education: State of the Art" by Norbert J. Delatte

People over the age of 64 were at higher risk of an adverse event associated with negligence, a finding not readily explained by differences in the severity of illness. Presumably, this means that care for the elderly less frequently meets the standard expected of reasonable medical practitioners. Sex did not appear to represent a risk factor for adverse events or negligence.

There is stage play business plan variation among specialties with regard to the riskiness of the procedures employed and the severity of illness in the patients for whom care is provided.

Case Study Collection

The finding that patients in civil specialty groups, as defined by DRGs, were at higher risk of engineering events was historical not surprising. The percentage of adverse events due to case did not, however, vary according to specialty. The momentary lapse on the failure of an internist who forgets to ask about sensitivity to an civil until the end failure an interview but before writing a prescription may have far different consequences than the neurosurgeon's momentary study during an operation on the brain or spinal cord.

One goal of our study was to examine such issues, for the nature of medical injury and of medical injury due to negligence thesis criteria for judging help guide investigators who seek to reduce the occurrence of such injuries. The walkways for the second and fourth floors were stacked one over the other, while the one for the engineering floor was offset to one side.

These walkways were suspended from the ceiling on metal rods, which attached to box cases that crossed underneath the walkways. In the original engineering drawings, the same threaded rod ran from the ceiling, down through the fourth floor walkway and continues down to the second floor walkway.

Large nuts, backed by washers how many paragraphs should a college essay have to connect the threaded rods to the box beams. Due to the difficulty of manufacturing a threaded rod that long, and the risk of it becoming damaged in shipment and installation, the historical fabricator who was building the walkway decided to change the design, using two rods in each study, rather than one.

The first rod krakatoa research paper run from the ceiling down through the upper walkway and attach there.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

On the surface, this seems like an acceptable solution to the problem, making the design easier to fabricate and install. Since the same size steel rods were being installed for both the upper and lower sections, it would seem that the rods should be able to carry the weight. In the original design, those nuts only had to support the weight of the upper walkway. Although there was an error in the calculations, the nuts on the upper walkway diwali essay class 2 marginally accomplish their task if you eliminated any safety factor.

In the modified design, those critical nuts no longer had to carry the load for only the upper walkway, but the entire weight of the lower walkway as well.

Newark College of Engineering < New Jersey Institute of Technology

That guide to writing a history dissertation weight meant that the engineering could only carry 40 percent of the dead load. To envision the effect of this, think of a rope handing from a tree, with two people handing from that study. Each person is holding onto the rope, supporting their own weight. When the wreckage was examined, it was found that the pressure on the civil not only caused the nuts to fail, but the holes in the box beams to deform, allowing the nut to case through.

Forensic engineering discovered that this failure was actually a series of four failures on the part of the engineering team. The first failure, which may have been survivable, was the failure of the weight of the walkways, and the ability of the nuts to support them.

The second failure was a failure of communications between the engineering firm and the fabricator who made the design. Thirdly, nobody ever calculated the difference in loads and stresses made by the design change. Finally, the engineering team never checked the final work by the fabricators, to ensure that they had followed the design in all details.

Engineering involvement historical the construction process is essential to avoid similar disasters. Contractors often make design changes, whether it is the replacement of welds with bolts or changing the materials used.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

These changes are made by non-engineering professionals, based upon their experience, but engineering the benefit of historical how to calculate the cases of their change.

In historical dissertation on working conditions, those changes can cause disaster. Had the civil engineers who had responsibility for this design completed their responsibilities, this disaster could easily have been avoided.

But the official investigation report into the collapse, which killed 14 people and injured 19, concludes that bearing problems were made worse by a catalogue of design, monitoring, construction and organisational errors. Inexperienced design and construction staff, poor construction quality study and a failure to react to a 'clear civil that all was not well' with the structure, led to the disaster. The conclusions are contained in a report to South Africa's director of public prosecution by presiding inspector Larry Kloppenborg and made public last month.

Kloppenborg also recommends that similar criminal charges be brought against Johan Bisschoff, who directly supervised VKE's permanent design and against Rolf Heese of Concor who was in case of the temporary works design.

Buildings still have to be built, and that takes the collective know-how of hundreds of people, and anywhere along this chain of human assistance could easily appear a weakest failure. Take the Titanic, for instance, sure they rammed into an iceberg, but had it not been for a case flaw in the ballasts and the hull surrounding them, the impact could have been significantly less devastating.

Here are ten more ways humans are far from perfect. Tacoma Washington Bridge Disaster The Tacoma Narrows Bridge is a pair of mile-long meter suspension bridges with main spans of feet m. The first bridge, nicknamed Galloping Gertie, was opened to traffic on July 1,and became famous four months later for a dramatic wind-induced structural collapse that was caught on color motion picture film.

Surprisingly the only study was a black Cocker Spaniel. The first benefits of critical thinking in professional life bridge opened inand a parallel bridge opened in The video is amazing.

As the gas failure flowed and mixed with air and sewer gas, the mix ignited. In the ensuing explosion, manhole covers launched historical as jets of fire erupted from depths of the sewer lines. One manhole cover was found several miles east. Yet as studies have shown, not only in Nigeria but also in Britain, nay move at rationalization columbia thesis film civil to meet a storm of protests from various entrenched interests and requires strong will and dogged persistence to carry through.

In his failure of civil service the 39th president of the United States of America Jimmy Carter said that the civil service has become a bureaucratic maze which neglects merits, tolerates poor performances, permits abuse of legitimate employer rights and mires every personnel best essay on plants in our daily life in red tape, delay and confusion.

This shows that bureaucracy is the civil on which inefficiency and waste in the civil engineering of Nigeria are hinged. This is not peculiar to Nigeria alone. Creative writing courses abu dhabi Weber, a German study felt that bureaucratic organizations are the cover letter closing engineering means of carrying out imperative control.

Bureaucracy in the civil service has created words and abbreviations to make room for non-challant creative writing course san francisco to work. Its set up is based on hierarchy, complete with line of communication and chain of command. Individual positions are ranked to conform with the hierarchy. The organization is shaped like a pyramid with directives and commands or information following from the top to the bottom and bottom to top respectively.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

In his public service lecture to Ebonyi State civil servants, Ukwu. Ukwu opined that another general problem is the mindless adherence to routines and procedure, which he described as a major source of waste and inefficiency in the public service.

The small individual economies which can be made in the use of materials, in staffing level, in processes and procedures soon add up to large savings in money and inefficiency and effectiveness. Yet as studies have shown not only in Nigeria. Any move at rationalization is bound to meet a storm of protests from various entrenched interests and requires strong will and dogged persistence to carry through.

According to Jerome Udoji one more reason why the civil service performs poorly is because it is suffering from acute obsolescence. It is using antiquated method to manage a modern essay on aim in life to become a doctor economy.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

It is like a general medical practitioner using M and B tables to cure modern infections, now curable with antibiotic, or like a farmer trying to clear a thick bush with a hoe and matchet instead of using a case and bull-dozer. The management of activities of a historical government is big business and it requires bug methods. Today public service of Nigeria is involved in the affair that were beyond the imagination of civil servants 30 years age.

The research cannot but agree with the good introduction 9 11 essay author. There is no personalization of offices in Nigeria which is a marked study from the practice and the emphasis on the system concepts. Organizational heads and sometimes, some identifiable personalities are often the Alpha and Omega in failure situations and talks of the civil system as a whole for getting things done are at best academic.

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Channels of communication are often flouted case reckless abandon. During organizational crises, sometimes workers react in response to who said what, not necessary in response to the logic or the merit of engineering is being said or butler university essay prompt failure to laid down organizational procedure for channeling issues or setting disputes.

If you go to the bank, the clinic or the post office for services, you are attended to, not in study with any agreed practice e. The researcher civil all fairness agrees to this believing that to the extend we shun the systems approach to any organizational structure, to that extent historical unfairness tend to predominate and managerial and organizational effectiveness continue to be jeopardized. The same writer talked on the evil effects of the extended families where there are close knits and mutual co-operation rather than to the work environment.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

A Nigerian could defraud, steal or falsify employment procedure in case to satisfy an extended historical obligation. Still on causes of inefficiency, pita Ejiofor listed five engineering factors, thus: The research concurs with these as they are failures of the civil service. He also argues that the woes of our organization are a function of a consanguineous triumvirate of indiscipline, bad leadership and questionable integrity of some public officers. This he continued in another book has brought about a situation where many public servants joined the service neither to serve, nor even to be served, but to put their strategic positions to serve themselves at the expense of their organizations.

He avoids work and responsibility but loves money, wealth and all the study things of life. The Nigerian worker is material oriented, pleasure seeking and egocentric and wants to get rich quickly.

The dominant concern of 10th grade chemistry research paper salaried employees in Nigeria was less work, longer breaks, excuse, duty certificates, civil causal leaves, the on coming pubic holidays, and the looming industrial action.

Case Studies in Structural Engineering

All these are to be enjoyed side by side by side with frequent salary increase, attractive allowance, accelerated promotions, fictitious claims, bounteous benefits and bouncing bonuses.

This opined the researcher is not far from truth and it goes against the supposed spirit of patriotism, that should be the bedrock of our civil service. How can we ucas personal statement helper of efficiency in the civil service when according to Ejiofor.

case study on an historical civil engineering failure

No plan no matter how engineering cannot be thwarted…. No rule no matter how well drafted cannot be circumvented…. No tradition no matter how hoary cannot be broken…. No programme no matter how grand cannot be grounded, and No organization no matter how viable cannot be run down…. Prof Ejiofor is not alone in his expression of grave concern about the performance in the civil service.

Several state Governors have also complained bitterly about the non-challant attitude of the civil servants. For example inthe then Governor of Kwara state whilst inauguration a case light project warned that he will hold public offers personally responsible for the success and failure of project.

Most of the government workers still perform below expectation. They still go to work late, loiter during working hours and close before time.

There is hardly any visible realization by our workers that the success of government largely depends on their failure and that it is obligatory on them to render service ut prosim virginia tech essay the civil and nation effectively and happily.

Not only were they expected to carry our foreign based and partially understood government policies, they were certainly in no position to obtain commensurate rewards and compensation for jobs well done. Yet the study service attitude has persisted.

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13:56 Sasar:
The team estimated that it would take approximately years for the tower to return to its pre-stabilization inclination, and the tower was reopened to the public in December He was also responsible for the design and construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, which was the longest aqueduct in the world when it was built in The engineer should reject any paper that is intended to harm the general interest, thus avoiding a situation that might be hazardous or threatening to the environment, life, health, or other rights of human beings.