28.11.2010 Public by Moogulrajas

Important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Descriptive for bank exams, Descriptive Topics for SBI PO, Essay Writing, SBI PO , SBI PO Descriptive, Topics for UIICL Descriptive Paper, UIICL Descriptive paper.

SBI PO Mains Expected Essay Topics

If you are to "identify" something and then "analyze" it, then write 1 paragraph identifying what's requested and a second paragraph analyzing what you identified. List all of your ideas.

Write short sentence fragments or keywords of all of the facts that you can remember. These should be facts that will support the arguments or statements that you will make in your essay. Write a thesis statement for the entire essay. This statement should identify the point that you will make in your essay.

Avoid writing statements about yourself.

Important Essay Writing Topics for SBI PO Descriptive Paper

For instance, don't write "I think" or "The point I will make today is When writing about an interpretation,use neutral language to state your opinion. Divide the facts that you listed earlier into 2 to 4 groups.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Note the common characteristics of the points in each group. The common characteristics will become the topic sentences for your body paragraphs.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Discard ideas that don't support your main points. Adding additional ideas will make your writing unfocused.

Descriptive Writing : Expected Essay topics for SBI PO 2016

Rank each group in order of importance. Start with the least important point in your first body paragraph and conclude with your strongest point in your last body paragraph.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Write the topic sentences for your body paragraphs. Use 1 or 2 sentences for each supporting point in your paragraphs.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Make sure the sentences directly relate to the paragraph's topic sentence. State the supporting point.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Then, state why the point is important. Never write something down without explaining its significance. Write the concluding statements for each paragraph.

Restate the argument that you made in your topic sentence. essay yang baik

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Create a short introduction for your essay. For example, use a fact, quote or statistic that relates to your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be the last sentence of your introduction.

Important Topics for SBI PO Mains Descriptive Paper | Banking Shortcuts®

The conclusion should restate the thesis statement, briefly summarize the arguments that you made and finish by stating the ultimate point of your essay. Few points to remember while writing essay: Choose the title very carefully in which you are perfectly at home. Never choose a title about which you have only hazy and ambiguous ideas. You must jot down your points or ideas before you start writing the essay.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Do not go against the title generally. The introduction should be direct and relevant. Do not beat about the bush and deviate from the title too much. Assess the role of sports activities on the economy of a country.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

The bane of NPAs in the country. Discuss OROP and its feasibility. Letter to the bank for stop making payment.

Descriptive for SBI and UIIC: Essay writing Pattern and tips

Write a Letter to the Regional Manager of Bank requesting for a loan for further studies. Write a letter to Branch Manager: Write a letter to bank manger for refund.

A letter to bank for applying educational loan providing all particulars.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

A letter to friend for encouraging and wishing him for civil service examination which he is writing for the third time. A letter to editor for publishing some articles on stress management since these are exam season.

important essay topic for sbi po 2016

Write a letter to your friend explaining essay reflection form your retirement plan Write a letter to a client of your bank who got a car loan from you 2 years ago and has sold it now without paying the load.

Write an application to branch manager as you have lost your receipt of term deposit which matures in next week asking him what steps needs to be taken next. Write a letter to the Airlines Authority that you have left your cabin bag yesterday in the flight.

Important essay topic for sbi po 2016, review Rating: 96 of 100 based on 278 votes.

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15:23 Tuzragore:
What is the aim of having this section in exams? Write a letter to the higher authority of your bank to give promotion on the basis of your efficiency and loyalty as you have given 20 years of service to the bank.

14:11 Zulkitaxe:
Along with this just add one more exercise to this, i. Discuss OROP and its feasibility.

13:08 Sall:
The pattern being same for both. Why do private banks reap more profit ratio than public sector banks? Write a letter to the newspaper regarding loan easiness.

14:11 Jutilar:
Write a letter to Branch Manager: