José Cárcamo

He currently serves as a Professional technician of the Department of Anthropology, linked to the development and support of postgraduate research lines in Anthropology, under the “Strengthening and creation of online research to position and project the PhD program in anthropology UTA : Creating value and vision of sustainable future. UTA 0801 ” project, awarded to the University of Tarapaca.

He specializes in the characterization of materials and archaeological heritage, through infrared vibrational spectroscopy, Raman, Raman amplified by nanostructured metal surfaces (SERS) spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). His work has been focused on identificating pigments used by the prehispanic cultures of northern Chile through Raman spectroscopy and XRF. It has also developed systems for identifying collagen in human tendon tissue by SERS Raman and work. Also, it has developed studies to identify intermediate reaction in metabolic pathways of hormone production plant growth through high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and radioactive isotopes. His experience in handling different physicochemical techniques, classical and instrumental analysis, has allowed him to publish their findings in leading journals and national and international conferences. In addition, he has visited in leading research centers, including: the Materials and Surface Science Group, University of Windsor, Canada, led by Dr. Ricardo Aroca and the Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Madrid, España, headed by Dr. Santiago Sanchez-Cortes.

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