Sebastián Gutiérrez

He currently serves as a Professional Technical personnel of the Department of Anthropology, linked to the development and support of research lines in Anthropology graduates, under the “Strengthening and creation of online research to position and project the PhD program in Anthropology – UTA: Creating value and vision of sustainable future. UTA 0801” project , awarded to the Universidad de Tarapacá.

Obtaining the BA degree performing his activity in the chemical characterization of black patinas in the Chinchorro’s  Black Mummies process of mummification. His area of work focus in the technique of fluorescence X-rays, counting for this with a driver’s license for radiological equipment in second and third category.

As a professional he has worked in the area of development of new food products, specifically in creating new flavors. He has also done work in laboratory management quality control in food products, through the application of rheological techniques for quality control of these products ????.

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